Foreign adoption age limits welcomed

The Adopted People's Association (APA) has welcomed the introduction of age limits for those who wish to adopt children from …

The Adopted People's Association (APA) has welcomed the introduction of age limits for those who wish to adopt children from abroad. It also called for the extension of the limits to people wishing to adopt children born in this country.

In a circular issued on December 2nd, the Adoption Board announced the introduction, with immediate effect, of an upper age limit of 45 for the older partner and 42 for the younger partner, for those wishing to adopt from abroad. Sole applicants must be under 42.

The APA is an organisation for adopted people and runs the APA Irish Adoption Contact Register which reunites adopted people with their natural family members.

Mr Kevin Cooney, APA re search and information officer, said in a statement this week that the organisation was "very pleased" with the Adoption Board's decision to introduce the age limits for inter-country adoptions. It could "only be described as a victory for common sense", he said.


Mr Cooney expressed surprise that the age limits were being opposed by some voluntary organisations. He pointed out that they were recommended in a report prepared by Dr Valerie O'Brien of UCD and commissioned by the Department of Health and Children. The report was published last summer and followed "the widest possible consultation" with all interested parties, he said.

As reported in The Irish Times, Mr Francis McGeough, chairman of the International Adoption Association, said it had received legal advice which indicated the age limits might be illegal.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times