Eye on Nature

Michael Viney responds to reader's queries and observations on nature.

Michael Viney responds to reader's queries and observations on nature.

I saw swifts in Ballybrack on March 6th, about a month earlier than usual.

Susan Flynn, Ballybrack, Dublin

The earliest recorded sighting of swifts in Dublin is, indeed, the first week in April. They normally arrive from South Africa, where they winter, in the last week of April and the first week of May.


I reported a chiffchaff in my garden last year on St Patrick's Day. I was listening this year for the spring arrivals when I heard the chiffchaff on March 15th.

Elaine O'Malley, Castleconnell, Co Limerick

Chiffchaffs start arriving in early March, but the main influx is in the second week in May. Most of the visiting warblers arrive in April and early May.

A different bird has been feeding at our bird table since March 9th. It is about the size of a sparrow, dark-grey back, light-grey breast and black cap.

G. Condon, Blackrock, Co Dublin

It is a male blackcap. The female has a chestnut cap. Like the other visiting warblers, blackcaps seem to have arrived earlier than usual this year. Some, however, are now wintering in Ireland.

Edited by Michael Viney, who welcomes observations sent to him at Thallabawn, Carrowniskey PO, Westport, Co Mayo. E-mail: viney@anu.ie Observations sent by e-mail should be accompanied by postal address.