Election alliance on health

An alliance of eight Independent candidates will today launch a campaign to stand in the general election specifically on health…

An alliance of eight Independent candidates will today launch a campaign to stand in the general election specifically on health issues.

The Independents Health Alliance of five men and three women are all from different backgrounds related to disability, carers and the elderly.

"It was the Disability Bill that brought us together," said Ms Karen Canning, one of the candidates who will stand in her home constituency of Dublin South, where her mentally handicapped son attends St Michael's House. The alliance is supported by Ms Kathy Sinnot, the disability rights campaigner, and by all disability groups.

The National Parents and Siblings Alliance put forward a Disability Bill which was "debated and defeated in the Dáil, with the promise of a better Bill", said Ms Canning. "We got the Disability Bill which has no rights in it. Every second line about funding or services says 'where practicable or reasonable'."


She added that the Government in "the last two of its five-year term put money into disability. But we're playing catch-up and at this rate we will never catch up."

Ms Canning said the alliance would campaign on all health issues. While she would not name the other candidates or constituencies before today's launch in the Mansion House, she acknowledged that most would be in the Dublin area, and that a couple had previously contested local, Dáil and European elections.

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times