CHATTERBOX:Tweeting the protest: how Twitter tracked last week's student protest
Get out, be seen, be heard. Fight for access based on the ability to learn, not the how much you earn – @rachelbarry
Undecided whether or not to go to the protest today to stopfees and savethegrant ! Its a good cause but its raining – Aoifeob125
Boyd Barrett going nuts in the Dáil re: stopfees – @stobserver
Huge Garda presence around the Dail atm!! – @Aisling_H
I suspect at no other time in the history of the student movement would “will there be time to go to Hollister?” have been asked. – @SammyJRyan
Here we go! Students assembled, journalists debriefing, rain drizzling. – @Jack_leahy
Stop fees save grants, we can’t afford new pants! – @NiallHarty
Trinity protestors marching up Westmoreland St – @universitytimes
A chant of “Careful now! Down with that sorta thing” was just heard. – @langobrien
Someone with a massive loudspeaker in a passing car is playing the Horslips, Trouble With a Capital T. Coincidence or not? – @GBeecham
FEE were removed from a room on the third floor of the Trinity Arts Block – @DonieSullivan
Am I the only student who highly disagrees with the protest? Not introducing fees is UNREALISTIC. USI should be compromising. – @kimboslice123
Shinners students lurking, waiting to pounce in at front of march. – @diylan
Ministerial promises to bankers are legally binding for ever regardless of cost. Promises to students are binding for never. – @borukiller
USI formed line with Gardai 2 prevent FEE rejoining demo after breakway protest @ FG HQ – @GerryCasey
Lefty protesters OccupyDameSt were PHYSICALLY prevented from protesting today. That is f*cked up. Who decided this?? – @WeAreRagbags
Gardai and members of SUs blocking #FEE from coming into the main crowd around speech time was completely bizarre – @daveryanIV
We cannot allow a return to the days when only the wealthy could access 3rd level education. Proud to protest against fees! – @Beaniebella
Maybe the colleges could lower fees themselves by spending less money on the vast amount of unnecessary crap we get at college – @Rory_J_Sweeney
Students want to keep the drink grant...if they can...then feck every other part of society...big diff from the 70’s radicals – @gazzahead
How awesome are we? Go on the red army of students :-) – @xXPurplePixiiXx
Wearing yellow in a sea of red was a master stroke on my part! I can see myself in every photo! – @David_Healy
Great turn out today for save the grant #stopfees – well done to all that traveled. Was there an official head-count? I heard 30,000!!! – @jonothegreat
Proud of everyone marching today of those man enough to sleep out tonight. So glad our cause didn’t get lost in riotsmess. – @bro575
Lots of sleepy heads on the bus back from the #usiprotest – UCCSUEducation
Just starting to pitch tents at the sleep out – @Breffnig
Vincent Browne just arrived at usiprotest sleep-out apparently. – @iadt_mjsa
About 70 students are taking part in the camp out stopfees – support the lads! – @allroundchancer
Jaysus, #irish students I always was + am today fully behind ye. If it wasn’t raining I’d b sleeping out – @BertieAherring