‘I’m delighted to help’: Student teachers fill school substitute gap

Availability of trainees a ‘game changer’ in tackling the teacher shortage, say principals

Student teacher Irene Long: ‘I’m turning away work.’ Photograph: Daragh McSweeney/Provision

Irene Long hasn't qualified as a primary school teacher yet but her phone keeps buzzing with offers of work from schools desperate to find substitution cover.

“I’m turning away work,” she says. “I got offers of work all this week and had to say ‘no’ to two schools looking for a substitute . . . I’m delighted. The more experience, the better.”

The 40-year-old mature student, who is completing a two-year professional master’s in education at Hibernia College, is one of hundreds of student teachers helping to prop up the school system in the face of an unprecedented crisis in substitution cover.

Many schools have been struggling to keep classes open due to staff shortages linked to high rates of sick leave or teachers being forced to self-isolate due to Covid-19.


This week, higher education institutions agreed to release additional student teachers until at least Christmas following talks with Minister for Education Norma Foley.

Colleges say they will postpone or reschedule exams and assessments in order to allow students more time.

Hibernia, one of the biggest providers of teacher education, estimates that 80-90 per cent of its 1,300 student teachers will be providing substitute cover at primary and secondary between now and the end of term.

"The demand is huge and we're very happy to assist schools," says Mary Kelly, head of Hibernia's school of education.

“We’re looking at providing flexibility for students around assessments to ensure they’re not overburdened. This is a balancing act of supporting the system and ensuring the quality of the qualifications.”

In schools this week, this response to greater availability of student teachers has been relief.

John Weir, principal of St Mary's Parish Primary School, Drogheda, Co Louth, says it is already making a difference.

“We have three students booked in for next week until Christmas, and one of them says they can stay until the end of January,” he said.

“It will make a big difference. There have been days recently where we’ve had 14 teachers out. We’re averaging 10 or 11 out most days. They’re either Covid positive, waiting on tests or their child is waiting on a test. There are other viruses and illnesses going around as well.”

Matt Melvin, principal of St Etchen's National School in Kinnegad, Co Westmeath, agrees that it will ease problems for schools.

“It’ a game changer,” he said. “We’ve two student teachers with us from Froebel [Maynooth University] who can stay until Christmas.

“Up until a few days ago, it was impossible to get enough substitution cover. Last Sunday at 4pm, I was down one teacher. By 7.30am on Monday, I was down five teachers and an SNA . . . But now that we have our student teachers, they are helping to keep schools open and free up substitutes to cover other absences.”

No reduction in pensions

Foley said her department will continue to liaise with higher education colleges around any further steps needed to boost the supply of student teachers in the new year.

She also announced the hiring of an additional 200 substitute teachers on a full-time basis to supply panels for primary schools, along with measures to allow retired teachers return to classrooms until Christmas without any reduction in their pension.

Separately, she released guidelines on the use of antigen testing to schools, staff and parents on Thursday evening, ahead of their introduction from Monday next.

Meanwhile, student teachers such as Irene Long are delighted to play their part in supporting the system.

“When I turned up in school this week, the principal told me ‘you’re like gold dust’”, says Long, from Blarney in Co Cork, a former accountant and freelance journalist.

“For me, it’s just a brilliant way to get experience. There’s nothing like being in a real classroom. Children need to be in school. We saw that during the lockdown. So, I’m delighted to help in any way.”