What's the talk of education
Reaction to our 50 Most Influential People in Irish Education
Can I just mention how hugely disappointed I was to see I had not made the top 50 in education – anniewestdotcom, Twitter
What is striking is that the top 20 influencers are mainly people or organisations who are not actually directly working in education. Economist Colm McCarthy, at number three, is the most influential educator, followed by Brian MacCraith at number 10. The list presents us with a useful snapshot of how education is being shaped right now. - Ferdinand von Prondzynski, University Blog
Was it compiled by Séan Flynn of the Irish Timesdownloading the speed-dial list from his phone and then shuffling it out of alphabetical order? - Al, University Blog
A bit surprised by number 46! (Wesley College teacher Niall MacMonagle). Does your sampling method promote people who are media-friendly rather than influential? – michaelkls, Twitter
Very interesting list! Although I'd have thought US multinationals would have ranked higher than nine, with so many HQs in Ireland! – SteinStudy, Twitter
It’s hard not to notice the bias in your summary in favour of the obedient
cuts = reform people. – mediabite, Twitter
An English teacher makes it but the rest of the profession is left out? Stupid.
– Barstoolhack, Twitter
I’d nominate any teacher who shows up everyday with a willingness to help whatever child is in front of them. And me of course! By willingness I mean a desire to go above and beyond in order to help the child improve and achieve their dreams
– Barstoolhack, Twitter
It's interesting that they found room for "The Parents of Special Needs Children" but not the teachers of these children. Surely if the 50 most influential people list can include groups (along with the ASTI executive) then surely it should include the actual teachers? Or maybe the parents? I know they have the head of the National Parents Association but what about the parents of all the other children? – doc_17, boards.ie
I don't understand why Google and Intel are so high. Do they have any kind of an actual say? – syklops, boards.ie
And there is also room for one English teacher from a private school in Dublin. Wonder who he is friends with? Surely the project maths implementation body/head should have higher priority than that. Stupid list. And I really liked Áine Kerr! – doc_17, boards.ie
What a load of s**t. Love the fact the expert from the Irish Times(Brian Mooney) is included! Pity teachers aren't number one as the most influential aspect of education. – TheDriver, boards.ie
Hmm some surprising names in Irish Timestop 50 most influential people in education – Carnsoreboxer, Twitter
What really caught my eye, what really should get people talking about Irish education is the low listing of Fr Drumm, chairman of the Catholic Schools Partnership, who is 30th and Archbishop Martin (36th). Apparently the church doesn't have as much influence over Irish education as people like Ryan Tubridy would have us believe. As for Protestants or other religious groups – didn't make the list. – irisheagle.blogspot.com