Details of North's smoking ban due next week

The scale of the smoking ban which will be introduced in Northern Ireland's pubs and clubs will be announced next week, it emerged…

The scale of the smoking ban which will be introduced in Northern Ireland's pubs and clubs will be announced next week, it emerged tonight.

Health Minister Shaun Woodward is expected to confirm whether a partial or a full ban will become law.

A blanket ban in public buildings would bring Northern Ireland into line with the Republic while a partial ban would only cover pubs which do not serve food.

Earlier this year Mr Woodward was accused of losing his nerve over a total ban, even though 91 per cent of respondents to a public consultation exercise said they wanted it.


The Minister said the impact of a both types of ban on businesses would have to be assessed before a final decision is taken.

But there was speculation tonight that the Department of Health in London, which had been planning a partial ban, may now be on the verge of announcing a total ban. It is understood such a move would increase the likelihood of a similar policy being introduced in Northern Ireland.

The Department of Health tonight confirmed an announcement on the smoking ban in Northern Ireland will be made next week. But a spokesman was unable to comment on the detail or the exact timing of the announcement.

Health campaigners and politicians have called for a full ban in Northern Ireland to protect people from the risks of passive smoking.

The Republic has had a smoking ban since March last year, which has forced smokers to stand outside pubs and restaurants. Scotland is also planning a total ban which will be introduced in April next year.