Derry man pleads guilty to creating child porn images

A COMPUTER engineer from the Waterside area of Derry yesterday pleaded guilty to 50 charges of making 3,000 indecent images or…

A COMPUTER engineer from the Waterside area of Derry yesterday pleaded guilty to 50 charges of making 3,000 indecent images or pseudo images of children.

At his arraignment before Judge Desmond Marrinan QC, before the city’s Crown Court, Frederick Burder (28), from Kingsmere Gardens, admitted making the images on various dates between May 2003 and October 2007.

Burder, who committed the 50 specimen offences contrary to the Protection of Children NI Order 1976, is to be sentenced on February 20th.

Judge Marrinan was told the 3,000 images included children being abused. The judge said a pre-sentence report and a psychiatric report would be prepared before Burder is sentenced next month.


He told Burder he could not yet give an indication of what sentence he would receive.

“These are very serious matters as I am sure you are aware,” he said.

“Clearly offences of this kind attract considerable interest in the public domain and rightly so. They also bring upon a defendant a great deal of shame and I am sure you must feel that acutely.

“By pleading guilty to these offences, you are automatically placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register. Before you leave this court building, you must sign the register, and the length of time you will spend on it will be determined by the sentence you will receive,” he said.

Burder was released on continuing bail until he is sentenced on February 20th.