Carers' group calls on State to deliver on promises

THE GOVERNMENT must begin implementing its own policies on keeping people in their communities and out of institutional care, …

THE GOVERNMENT must begin implementing its own policies on keeping people in their communities and out of institutional care, the Carers Association has said.

In its pre-budget submission the association said the Government’s National Carers Strategy promised to recognise, empower and support family carers.

“Yet Ireland’s 187,000 family carers are now facing cuts to home help hours, homecare packages and vital support services,” said association spokeswoman, Catherine Cox.

“We are calling on Government to stop praising carers with words, while punishing them with cuts,” she added.


“Carers across the country are very fearful of what this budget will bring, with further threats of cuts to household benefits packages, free travel for carers and services for young adults with disabilities on reaching 18.”

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland is Social Affairs Correspondent of The Irish Times