A BOY, aged four, whose head became stuck in a hole in seating at a McDonald's fast food restaurant, had to be rescued by firemen.
Tony McKeown, counsel for Ciará McKinney, told the Circuit Civil Court the boy's head became lodged in a space at the back of seating. He said there was a fireman in the restaurant who called his colleagues when he was unable to release the boy's head.
Mr McKeown said the incident occurred in McDonald's restaurant at Swords Plaza, Swords, Co Dublin, on September 11th, last year. The boy had been with his mother at the time.
Mr McKeown said Ciarán had suffered swelling to his forehead and had been shocked and distressed. He felt anxious in enclosed spaces such as lifts or rooms with closed doors.
Mr McKeown said Natline Ltd, the owners of the restaurant, had made an offer of €7,000 damages which he was putting before the court for its approval.
Judge Alison Lindsay said she did not feel the offer was adequate and adjourned the matter for a month.