Anonymous donor gives €2,000 to fund for men

AN ANONYMOUS donor has given € 2,000 to a fund to help the families of the two Polish men stabbed to death outside a chip shop…

AN ANONYMOUS donor has given € 2,000 to a fund to help the families of the two Polish men stabbed to death outside a chip shop in Drimnagh, Dublin, last week.

The money was sent to the account set up in the names of Marius Szwajkos and Pawel Kalite by their former employees Ace crash repair centre on the Long Mile Road, Dublin.

General manager Alan Kennedy said the response had been "heartwarming" and "very generous" with the average donation coming in between €20 and € 100.

He said the money raised so far would more than cover the estimated €16,000 cost of repatriating the two bodies.


"We are sure that neither family will be out of pocket for their tragic loss. This will take an edge off their financial hardship," he said. "In other circumstances, we would be delighted with the response." A statement on the Polish embassy website said the fund had been set up "due to the overwhelming level of support expressed and the number of people wishing to make donations to the families of Marius and Pawel".

The embassy added: "We are very grateful and appreciative of the number of condolences received from both Polish and Irish nationals over last few days."

President Mary McAleese has confirmed that she will attend Monday night's memorial Mass at the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Drimnagh, at 7.30pm.

Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin is also expected to attend along with Polish ambassador Dr Tadeusz Szumowski, local politicians and representatives of both the local and Polish communities.

The archbishop said his heart went out to the families of the bereaved and the murders raised questions about the level of alcohol abuse in Irish society.

"The indications are that this was a drink-related incident. So many young lives have been ruined by this culture of drink and we have to address that, communities have to address that."

Parish priest Fr Martin Cosgrove said the memorial Mass would remember not only the two men, but others who had been bereaved by violence recently.

"Far too many families in Drimnagh have been affected by crime and violence and it is hoped that this service will allow all of us to reflect on not just what has happened this week, but over many years, that has brought unnecessary tragedy and heartbreak to so many people," he said.

A vigil will be held this evening outside the chip shop on Benbulbin Road where the stabbings took place, at 6.30pm.

The Kalite/Szwajkos fund account number is 14065184, the sort code 93-36-27, at AIB Bank, Irish Farm Centre, Naas Road, Dublin 12.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times