Ahern meets French prime minister to press CAP case

The Taoiseach yesterday met the French Prime Minister, Mr Lionel Jospin, as part of a round of talks on the reform of the EU'…

The Taoiseach yesterday met the French Prime Minister, Mr Lionel Jospin, as part of a round of talks on the reform of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy.

This was Mr Ahern's sixth private meeting with a European head of government in the run-up to negotiations in the autumn on Agenda 2000, which will restructure EU budgets.

He is lobbying other EU leaders for an understanding of the Irish position. Agenda 2000 proposals drawn up by the European Commission would lower prices paid to farmers under the Common Agricultural Policy, a move opposed by both Ireland and France.

Ireland currently receives more than £1 billion each year from the CAP. France is particularly concerned about the reform of cereals policy, while Ireland is preoccupied with proposed reductions of subsidies on beef and dairy products.


As Mr Jospin's guest, the Taoiseach attended the World Cup final on Sunday night with his daughter Georgina and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Andrews. He was, he said, rooting for France.

"The odds of France getting to the last four were 25 to one," Mr Ahern said. "The atmosphere was terrific." Six other non-French prime ministers attended the match, including heads of government from Belgium and Hungary.

In his talks with Mr Jospin, the Taoiseach advocated generous transitional arrangements for Ireland when it loses EU structural funds because of the booming Irish economy. "On the transition arrangements, we would not have difficulties with (the French)," Mr Ahern said. "Agriculture is still extremely important to the French, and it is extremely important to us. We understand there are going to be reforms; we will be very close to the French."

Lara Marlowe

Lara Marlowe

Lara Marlowe is an Irish Times contributor