Muhammad Ali and Lance Armstrong in IrelandSporting giants to restore our spirits.
An CrúibínEat tapas-style food in the downstairs bar of this Cork city joint. Is risotto with kale and broad beans tapas? Who cares, it was great.
The StreetThe BBC1 drama is over, but it restored our faith in TV.
Me Cheeta: The Autobiography Booker-nominated and funny.
Social kissingVanished, a victim of swine flu. It's an ill wind . . .
Blackberrying In the lane not on the gadget. Those little black beauties are out in force.
The Zoe ReportSuper-stylist Rachel Zoe's sartorial wisdom.
Put it away, loveSharon Stone celebrates turning 50 by stripping off for French magazines.
Exercise does not make you thinThis is awful news if, like us, you thought you were a marathon away from perfection. Turns out you have to eat and drink less as well.
Grow-your-own zealotsWe had nothing to show for our summer toil but a bit of spinach. We're not growing our own veg this autumn, and that's that (see page 61).
Supermarket nationalism"The difference is we're Irish." That's not the difference we're interested in, Dunnes Stores.
Facebook LiteThe faster, simpler cousin of Facebook should appeal to those with much to declare. For us, it's information overload.
Office air conTurned up max. Goosebumps for no reason.
Thigh-high boots on men.As seen in fashion editorials. Brüno might approve. We don't.