Dublin’s Liberties is one of the most historic quarters of the capital, with much of its storied and colourful past captured by the late and much-loved author Éamonn MacThomáis in his book Me Jewel and Darlin’ Dublin. Stroll along Meath Street of a morning and you’ll find some lively characters in its hipster cafes, at its market stalls, or bargaining down a butcher on a cheap cut. Students from the National College of Art and Design (NCAD) add plenty of visual colour while the streetscape soundtrack includes the clip-clop of carriage horses, some of which are still stabled in the neighbourhood.
A short trot away is Hanover Street West, a narrow side road that links The Coombe to Carman’s Hall where at first glance number 10 reveals very little of its sleek and completely reimagined interior.
Its owner bought it with her sister about 20 years ago and before they even signed contracts they had discussed what they would do if one wanted to sell, she explains. “The plan was that one would buy the other out using the market value to establish a price.”

When the time came for her sister to fly solo she didn’t move very far, just a few doors up the street.
Some years later, in 2013, the owner’s sister recommended designer Paul Quinn to help her reimagine it. “It had a bit of potential as there was an L-shaped yard to the rear,” he recalls. By adding just 6sq m to the floor size, removing some walls and reorienting the stairs, moving them forward and angling the last few treads, he was able to, as he puts it, “regularise the layout”.
The house now extends to 80sq m (861sq ft) and, thanks to the judicious use of large windows and a rooflight over the home office area, it feels light and airy throughout its broken-plan layout.
It now opens into a small hall and on into the kitchen, which is set to the front.
The dining area is set into a nook behind the stairs where there are floating shelves above.
The living area features several stylish pieces from Kian Furniture, whose proprietor the owner met, married and has a three-year old daughter with. Her sister also introduced her to him.

The most notable pieces are the low-slung sideboard and a large glass-fronted artwork.
The west-facing yard to the rear is a real bonus. It extends to about 22sq m (237sq ft) and is pretty private.
Hidden from view is an L-shaped home office with bookshelves that is flooded in natural light. Its configuration means that you can leave the working day behind when you retire to the sofa.
A smart steel handrail and solid walnut steps take you upstairs where there are two really good size double bedrooms. These share a windowed bathroom.
Set to the back of the house, the main bedroom is dual aspect and light-filled, a gorgeous space that a couple might consider turning into a sittingroom to give you two separate living spaces should one of you be a gamer, music or sports fanatic, with entertainment turned up to 11.
The timber floors upstairs were lovingly polished by the owner’s father, an engineer who also insisted on reinforcing all the joists.
The property, which has a D2 Ber rating, is seeking €380,000 through agents Owen Reilly.