Meet the Irish protesting against Brexit on their lunchbreaks in London

Top stories from Irish Times Abroad this week

Peter Benson from Naas and Sinéad Walsh from Kill protesting outside the Houses of Parliamnet in London. Photograph: Dylan Martinez/Reuters

As the Brexit referendum result became clear on the morning of June 24th, 2016, emails started to trickle, then pour in to The Irish Times Abroad inbox from readers living all across Britain. Shock, dismay, devastation and anger were words repeated over and over again as they described their reaction to the outcome.

Almost three years later, as an extension is granted to Britain, the situation is almost as uncertain as it was on the morning of the results. In the past few weeks, we reached out to the Irish in Britain again their views on Brexit, and more than 140 responded. Many of the same concerns were raised. A selection of these responses will be published online and in Weekend Review in print on Saturday. Thank you to everyone who took the time to write to us.

In the meantime, you can read about the Irish people who are giving up their lunchbreaks to protest against Brexit outside Westminster in London, and more stories about the Irish abroad at

Thanks for reading.