Eileen Gogan and the Instructions: Under Moving Skies – Gogan shines with confidence

A fitting end to a thoughtful piece of work from one of Ireland’s most under-rated artists

Under Moving Skies
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Artist: Eileen Gogan and the Instructions
Genre: Singer / Songwriter
Label: Dimple Discs

You would be hard-pressed to locate a more enduring presence in Irish pop/rock music than Eileen Goga n. The Dublin-based songwriter and singer has toiled in various groups over the past 25 years – from the Would Be’s and The Revenants to The Drays and the (recently regrouped) Microdisney, but her solo work has too often taken a back seat.

Under Moving Skies, the follow-up to her 2015 debut (The Spirit of Oberlin), is more of the same quality we have come to expect, albeit with less caution and more confidence.

There is a steeliness to Gogan’s writing here (one track, the fully instrumental Friday Tune, is written by The Undertones’ Damien O’Neill) that develops the creative remit across a range of material. Gone for the most part are the chiming alt. Americana stylings that could be viewed as her signature songwriting motifs.

In their place is a bolder but no less melodic stance – Don't Let Me Sleep is a sylph-like soul song with a stinger of a guitar solo (by O'Neill), while Sweet Alice is a beautiful spooky tune featuring Cathal Coughlan on backing vocals.


The album closes on a sleek ambient touch, with Gogan tracing a traditional Irish melody over Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill's poem Celebration. It is a fitting end to a typically thoughtful piece of work from one of Ireland's most underrated artists. eileengogan.com

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture