South Studios
IT STARTS fashionably late. But all is not well in the world of fashion, and Prêt-à-médiatiser is here to challenge your senses and perceptions. Basically a choreographed fashion show with models whose faces and bodies are obstructed bycut-out shapes, to a soundtrack of live methodical drum bashing and noises created by microphoned and manipulated scissors and scraping, it’s a methodical and obvious run-out. Despite some spine-shuddering sounds, Prêt-à-médiatiser makes something that should be overly self-indulgent slightly captivating. With a visual element that’s half Dario Argento, half Devo, there’s enough to keep one’s attention even during a predictable progression, the dehumanisation of the models merged with intrusive sounds of cameras serves to upset our comfortable relationship with the catwalk. With the bustle of a real catwalk show, there’s something delightfully subversive about this production, even if more could be made of it.