Crosaire No 17168 by Crossheir – Friday, January 24th, 2020

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 Theatrical worker (DOCTOR) or coordinator fails to get on air (‘coordinator’ fails to get/without ‘on air’ = codtor = DOCTOR),

9 Most of (r) the old salt (‘tar’ without ‘r’ = -TA-) in Polish (Polish = HOSPI-L) resort (= anagram indicator) (HOSPITAL) is bound to make you feel better (HOSPITAL),

10 Part of The Square sustainably (part of ‘The SquaRE SUstainably’ = resu) set up (= reversal indicator) (resu = USER) for the consumer (USER),

11 Dean Hunter (Dean Hunter) is out of place (= anagram indicator) (Dean Hunter = UNDERNEATH) below (UNDERNEATH),


12 Nevertheless, resent leaving (‘nevertheless’ ‘resent’ leaving = evhels = SHELVE) to work in a library (SHELVE),

14 Street (WAY-) is a great distance (-FAR-) from hospital (-ER) (WAYFARER) for one going on foot (WAYFARER),

15 9 across (‘hospital’ = HOSPITAL) and 19 down (‘ground’ = GROUND-) closing gates (closing ‘gateS’ = -S) (HOSPITAL GROUNDS) around place where people call in sick (HOSPITAL GROUNDS),

18 Rents (rents) complex (= anagram indicator) (rents = STREN-) from Government (-G-) with most of (e) the (‘the’ without ‘e’ = -TH) (STRENGTH) power (STRENGTH),

20 Smear (GREASE) nation (Greece) state (= homophone indicator) (‘Greece’ = ‘GREASE’),

22 Planted (sown = S- -OWN-) around wild (= anagram indicator) vale (vale = -LAVE) on English (-E-) river (-R) (SLAVE OWNER) by Spartacus’s boss (SLAVE OWNER),

24 Parking (P-) in a bad way (-ILL) (PILL) – if it makes one feel better, I wouldn’t say no to it (PILL),

25 Canada (Canada) nervous (= anagram indicator) (Canada = ANAC-DA) about what’s broadcast (-ON-) (ANACONDA) by a snaky type (ANACONDA snake),

26 Posted (posted) order (= anagram indicator) (posted = DESPOT) from dictator (DESPOT).


1 Local mug (local ‘mug’ = rob) served up (= reversal indicator) (rob = BOR-) with endless (end ‘lesS’ = -S-) cold (-C-) and hot (-H) (BORSCH) soup (BORSCH),

2 Genesis (start) short (t) (‘start’ without ‘t’ = STAR) of celebrity (STAR),

3 Frenchman (Monsieur = -M-) in row (argue = ARGU-E-) starts next to (starts ‘Next To’ = -NT) (ARGUMENT) Barney in the local (barney/row = ARGUMENT),

4 Shades of red on the borders (‘SHades of rED’ on the borders = SHED) in the garden (SHED),

5 Nosey parker dismisses Karen (‘nosey parker’ dismisses ‘Karen’ = oseypr = OSPREY) Hawk (OSPREY),

6 Well-informed (literate = LITERAT-E) about old city (-UR-) (LITERATURE) books (LITERATURE),

7 Crazy (M-AD) about a (-A-) small (-S-) article (-THE) (MASTHEAD) at the top of The Paper (MASTHEAD),

13 Insincere support (LIP SERVICE) for the cheek (the LIP) of Labour? (labour/work = SERVICE) (LIP SERVICE),

14 Englishwoman ignores moaning (‘Englishwoman’ ignores ‘moaning’ = elshw = WELSH) from family living in Cardiff (WELSH),

16 Militarily, pull a fast one (OUTFLANK) for Trump? (trump/beat = OUTFLANK),

17 Artist (RA-) group – the first (‘Group’ the first = G) to buy and sell (TRADE) (RAG TRADE) clothing business (RAG TRADE),

19 Guinness head (‘Guinness’ head = G-) on a number of beers from the bar (-ROUND) (GROUND) arena (GROUND),

21 Whinge from signalmen who (‘whinge’ from ‘signalmen who’ = salmno = SALMON) are caught in the sea by one of those involved in a cast (= SALMON),

23 Close to (NEAR) some characters in Byzantine aristocracy (some characters in ‘ByzantiNE ARistocracy’ = NEAR),

24 Pay no attention to (PASS) separatist with no attire (‘separatist’ with no ‘attire’ = spas = PASS).