Crosaire No 16974 by Crossheir – Saturday, June 8th, 2019

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 They’re taking a break (HOLIDAYMAKERS) from the travel agents presumably (HOLIDAYMAKERS),

10 Enthusiastic applause (OVATION) as zero (O-) tax (-VAT-) is charged (-ION) (OVATION),

11 Dizzy times (VERTIGO) in France for green (French “green” = VERT-) institute (-I-) on the move (-GO) (VERTIGO),


12 Press (IRON) review (= reversal indicator) of emerging minorities (emerging ‘minorities’ = nori = IRON),

13 Curses (DAMNS) fieldsman with no life (‘fieldsman’ with no ‘life’ = dsman = DAMNS),

15 Some uplifting (= reversal indicator) favourite yarn (some uplifting ‘favourite yarn’ = ite y = YETI) of The Abominable Snowman (YETI),

17 Carry (LUG) one out of lounge (‘one’ out of ‘lounge’ = lug = LUG),

19 In league with (ALLIED) boy released by Old Bailey (‘boy’ released by ‘Old Bailey’ = ldaile = ALLIED),

21 Straight man loses sight (‘straight man’ loses ‘sight’ = traman = MANTRA) of what gets repeated (MANTRA),

22 It’s not going to work (HOLIDAY) for all sides today (HOLIDAY on four sides of today’s grid),

23 Call for silence (SH-) by a (-A-) guy (-MAN) (SHAMAN) who has a good knowledge of foreign spirits (SHAMAN),

25 Stepmother lets off shot (‘stepmother’ lets off/without ‘shot’ = tepmer = TEMPER) in fit of rage (TEMPER),

27 Sample of tapioca pudding (sample of ‘tapioca pudding’ = ca p = CAP) from Cork (CAP),

29 Takes action against (ACTS) bank’s accountants (banks/sides ‘accountants’ = ACTS),

30 Works in the office (FILES) for Life (life = FILE-) Style (= anagram indicator) Sports from the beginning (‘sports’ from the beginning = -S) (FILES),

31 Pile (MASS) of characters stuffed into melodrama’s storylines (characters in ‘melodramas storylines’ = mas s = MASS),

34 Ever so (ever so = OVERSE-) wrong (= anagram indicator) going to Spain (-E) (OVERSEE) to manage (OVERSEE),

35 Big plot of land (TRACT- of land) for either partner (either -OR) (TRACTOR) advertised in the Farmers Journal perhaps (TRACTOR),

36 Leave (HOLIDAY) Switzerland (CH-) for late (late = -ALET) trip (= anagram indicator) (HOLIDAY CHALET) from home in the mountains (HOLIDAY CHALET).


2 Good luck (ON A ROLL) in finding location for Irish breakfast takeaway (ON A ROLL),

3 That’s one in the eye (IRIS) for most of those on the island (most of ‘Irish’ = IRIS),

4 It’s unpleasant dropping pets (it’s ‘unpleasant’ dropping ‘pets’ = unlaan = ANNUAL) from yearbook (ANNUAL),

5 Emotional (MOVING) film (movie) without energy (e) (‘movie’ without ‘e’ = MOVI-) is no good (no good = -NG) (MOVING),

6 Archduke dismisses ache (‘archduke’ dismisses ‘ache’ = rduk = KURD) living on Turkish border (KURD),

7 Rave (RA-NT) over clip (m) of mimic (‘mime’ without ‘m’ = -IME-) (RAIMENT) coming out of the closet ages ago (RAIMENT archaic for clothing),

8 Away (HOLIDAY) team has to cope with it (SEASON) (HOLIDAY SEASON) over the Christmas period (HOLIDAY SEASON),

9 The Tour (HOLIDAY) roster (roster = RESORT) designed (= anagram indicator) (HOLIDAY RESORT) around town welcoming travellers (HOLIDAY RESORT),

14 Rock (rock MUSIC-) near a (-A-) port (port/left = -L) (MUSICAL) with cats? (Cats = MUSICAL),

16 A herb (a herb = REHAB) doctor (= anagram indicator) produced a course of treatment (REHAB),

18 Beneficiary (PAYEE) gets to settle a debt (PAY-) for drugs (-EE) (PAYEE),

20 Forager removed from roof garden (‘forager’ removed from ‘roof garden’ = odn = DON) by fellow (DON),

21 Greene isn’t part of agreement (‘Greene’ isn’t part of ‘agreement’ = amt = MAT) with runner (MAT),

24 A (A-) retweet  (-RT) last month (DEC-) from circle (-O) (ART DECO) employed in 30s by stylists (ART DECO),

26 Talk nonsense (PRATTLE) to president (P-) and sheik (“sheik” = “shake” = -RATTLE) on the radio (= homophone indicator) (PRATTLE),

27 Greet coming out of race meeting (‘greet’ coming out of ‘race meeting’ = acemin = CINEMA) with pictures (CINEMA),

28 Epic (epic = PE-IC) novel (= anagram indicator) about heartless (a) Irishman (‘Pat’ without ‘a’ = -PT-) (PEPTIC) might be hard to digest? (PEPTIC),

32 Drunk in Italy (ASTI) taken in by Douglas Timothy (concealed by ‘Douglas Timothy’ = as Ti = ASTI),

33 Sold off Calvados (‘sold’ off ‘Calvados’ = cava = CAVA) for 32 down in Spain? (‘asti’ in Spain = CAVA).