Web Summit looking at Asian venture

Paddy Cosgrave plans to develop the business abroad

Paddy Cosgrave, founder of the Web Summit. Photograph: Tristan Fewings/Getty Images

The Web Summit is over and Dublin can have its pubs back. Bar a few well-documented wifi problems, the Silicon Valley barmy army that packed out the RDS had a grand old time for the week, by all accounts.

Summit founder Paddy Cosgrave has spoken recently of his plans to develop the business abroad, such as via a bigger Collision event in the US to follow on from this year's inaugural event in Las Vegas.

Cosgrave, who owns 95 per cent of the company behind the summit, also plans to take it to Asia. It is down to a shortlist of three possible venues for what will be known as Sync Conf 2015: Hong Kong, Taipei or Singapore.

They don’t have a city yet, but they are already offering two-for-one ticket deals on the Web Summit’s site.


The rumour is Cosgrave was also offered a bounty of several million pounds by city officials to move the Web Summit from Dublin to Belfast. How’s that for cross-border co-operation.

No sign of it moving, mind. But the RDS really needs to sort out its wifi or few would blame the Summit if it did take the northern road.