Quinn runs with EMU ball at DIT

THE Margin early morning bird reports on interesting comments by Finance Minister Ruairi Quinn to an audience of Dublin Institute…

THE Margin early morning bird reports on interesting comments by Finance Minister Ruairi Quinn to an audience of Dublin Institute of Technology students at a breakfast meeting yesterday. Ruairi, in an off-the-cuff script on the subject of the new single currency, showed his background as an ex-Blackrock College rugby player by making a number of sporty references to the EMU project.

The stability pact was like a yellow card to try to stop countries going offside with their Budgetary targets, while the ultimate sanction was a fine - or red card. Mr Quinn might have referred to the maul getting under way on who will be members of the first group moving to EMU, which looks, to mix a few sporting metaphors, as if it could involve a bit of ground-hurling. Or even be a game of two halves.