Planet Business

Compiled by Claire Shoesmith.

Compiled by Claire Shoesmith.

Quote of the Week . . .

"Without question battle lines are being drawn," a senior figure comments on Independent News & Media's announcement this week that as well as spending a further €4.36 million buying up more of its own shares, it is also clamping down on rules concerning the disclosure of share ownership.

Both moves are believed to be steps to prevent Denis O'Brien adding to his 7 per cent stake in the company.


The Numbers . . .

€45.5 billionThe total amount handed over to the Revenue Commissioners in taxation last year - €6 billion more than in 2005.

€1.9 billionThe pretax profit made by Bank of Ireland in the year to the end of March - a 28 per cent increase on the prior year thanks to a particularly strong performance by the group's Irish retail business.

€1.5 billionThe combined wages expected to be paid out to footballers in the English Premier League next season, according to a Deloitte report.

Good Week . .

Revenue CommissionersRevenue netted €125 million following a clampdown on unpaid taxes in the construction industry.

Aer Arann passengersDomestic passengers may soon be able to use the network of transatlantic flights operated by Aer Lingus after it emerged the two airlines are in talks about a ticketing tie-up.

The Progressive DemocratsDespite a disastrous election, they have emerged as pivotal to the formation of the next government.

Bad Week . .

Employees of the telecoms industryEircom announced plans to reduce its staff by 900 over the next three years, while O2 Ireland is considering outsourcing some technology work that could lead to the loss of 450 jobs.

HomeownersThe average Irish home now costs less than it did last September, according to figures from Permanent TSB and the ESRI.

RyanairReports were circulating this week that the European Commission plans to reject the airline's proposed acquisition of rival Aer Lingus.

Nine out of 10 cats . . .

Or rather six out of 10 people . . . work in a small business - one employing fewer than 50 people, according to figures released by the Central Statistics Office this week.

Word of the week . . .

"Post-nup" - Forgot to protect your assets before you got married? Don't panic, it's never too late.

According to recent reports, one US hedge fund is refusing to take on new partners until they sign a post-nup barring their spouses from making any claims on the fund.