Pace of technological change `underestimated'

Many firms have underestimated the pace of technological change and seem to have a limited sense of how it would affect them, …

Many firms have underestimated the pace of technological change and seem to have a limited sense of how it would affect them, the head of the National Micro-electronics Research Centre said yesterday.

Prof Gabriel Crean, at the presentation of the centre's annual report by the Tanaiste, Ms Harney, in Cork, said there was a lack of appreciation within non-ICT (information and communications technology) firms of the speed and consequences of technological change.

"In general, the ICT industry in Ireland is by world standards still positioned at a relatively low point in the value chain. In the years ahead . . . there will be intense competition at this end of the chain," Prof Crean added.

Research income at the centre increased by 67 per cent last year to #9.3 million (£7.3 million) compared with the previous year.


Earlier yesterday, Ms Harney announced the creation of 142 jobs over the next three years in three Cork firms: Leading Edge, Lecan Technologies and Qualtrace Solutions. They involve an investment of £8.4 million (#10.7 million) with support from Enterprise Ireland.