Guide answers most welfare questions

Have you ever wondered if you were entitled to a lone parent's allowance, even if you are at work? Or how pension means-testing…

Have you ever wondered if you were entitled to a lone parent's allowance, even if you are at work? Or how pension means-testing works? Or whether an elderly relative qualifies for fuel and telephone allowances?

Hundreds of such questions are answered in the latest edition of the Guide to Social Welfare Services, published by the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs and free of charge to anyone who would like a copy.

The 232-page guide is divided into 12 sections that include not just the most common services and benefits such as PRSI, unemployment, occupational benefits and payments and services for families and the retired, but also information about the availability of social insurance benefits if you are living in another EU state and bilateral agreements with non-EU states. An entire section is devoted to voluntary and community services, including the very useful Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) aimed at people with serious debt problems, grants available for voluntary, community and family support organisations and for older people. Appendices include useful contact numbers and addresses of department offices and related agencies.

The guide is available from department offices or by contacting its information service at (01) 8748444.