Online shoppers should only shop with companies that they know or that have been recommended to them. They should find out what the company's refund and return policies are before making a purchase.
Avoid using money transfer agencies as a method of payment, as it is difficult to trace where the money goes and they are therefore popular with fraudsters.
Never e-mail personal or financial information such as a credit card personal information number (Pin). If you get an e-mail or pop-up message that asks you for personal or financial information, do not reply to it.
Be sceptical when dealing with an unknown party and check in online "Whois" registries - for example,, - to see to whom the domain name is registered.
Remember that some services and goods, including online auctions, are excluded from distance-selling regulations, meaning that there is no right to a seven-day cooling-off period and delivery within 30 days.
Read testimonials on the feedback forums of online auction sites such as eBay. Buyers should never move "off-site" to complete their purchase, and they should only use escrow companies if they are recommended by the auction site.
Source: ECC Dublin.