Business groups’ top timing on Keano v Fergie

Manchester United veterans in Dublin amid verbal volleys

Roy Keane at the Irish Management Institute national management conference in Sandyford, Dublin, yesterday. Photograph: Robbie Reynolds

The Irish Management Institute, which invited Roy Keane to address a conference yesterday afternoon, and the Dublin Chamber, which invited Alex Ferguson to address its annual dinner at Convention Centre Dublin, really couldn't have timed it any better, could they?

Two of the biggest egos on the planet, who are constantly sniping at each other, most recently with Keane calling Fergie a “f***ing p****” in his book this week, both in town on the same day, addressing different gatherings of business leaders while the press waits for another verbal volley.

Business is sometimes inherently dull to some people. But when business meets sport, with a bit of conflict thrown in for good measure, it is box office.

I’m not sure I’d like to be around when Ferguson next meets Keane, however.