Arts groups secure €2.6m in private investment

Organisations in second year of three-year Raise initiative

The Royal Hibernian Academy is one of the organisations involved in its Raise initiative.
The Royal Hibernian Academy is one of the organisations involved in its Raise initiative.

A group of arts organisations secured almost €2.6 million in private “investment” in 2014 in the second year of a three-year drive to achieve €3.5 million in private investment by 2015.

Figures released by the Arts Council show that the organisations involved in its Raise initiative secured €1.09 million in voluntary income in 2014, €690,000 in sponsorship and “in-kind” support valued at €804,000.

In 2013, the organisations involved in the initiative secured almost €2.4 million, comprising €1.03 million in voluntary income, €621,000 in sponsorship and “in-kind” support valued at €547,000.

The groups involved in the scheme are: the Irish Film Institute; Galway Arts Festival; Wexford Opera Festival; Royal Hibernian Academy; Na Píobairí Uileann; Chamber Choir Ireland; Association of Irish Choirs; the Hawks Well Theatre; Irish Architecture Foundation; and The Model.


The Arts Council did not provide a breakdown of the support secured by individual bodies.

The objective of the Raise scheme, which was introduced in late 2012, is to build fund-raising capacity in the arts community.

“By January 2014, 11 of the selected organisations had completed their individual capacity building programme including the recruitment of 11 fundraisers,” said the Arts Council.

“In 2014, one organisation that delayed commencement subsequently re-engaged with the pilot and is now actively fundraising. Three organisations had gaps in activity due to having no resource in place. For most organisations, 2014 was effectively the first year of fundraising activity.

“Two of the organisations that participated in the pilot are not active artistically in 2015 and are excluded for comparative purposes. Some adjustments to 2012 and 2013 data were also made to reflect prior year adjustments arising from audited accounts.

“All organisations are obliged to submit monthly monitoring reports on the levels and type of private investment secured in the previous month and year to date.”