Unionism and Britain

Sir, – Lord Kilclooney (Letters, October 11th) belittles Prof Adam Posen's speculation that the full outworkings of the NI Protocol could lead to Ireland being united, sooner rather than later. Prof Posen might be right; he might be wrong. But for Lord Kilclooney to accuse Prof Posen of not understanding the workings of the Belfast Agreement is wishful thinking on Lord Kilclooney's part.

Clearly Lord Kilclooney will be voting to remain in the UK when the vote comes. But he could be rudely awoken as to the numbers of his fellow citizens in Northern Ireland who take a different view, including a growing percentage of unionists, particularly if the future within the EU looks brighter.

As for London “expelling” Northern Ireland from the UK, I meet many English people who believe that that should have happened a long time ago.

Lord Kilclooney and those of his way of thinking would be well advised to stop boxing themselves into a tighter and tighter corner. They don’t have as many friends “on the mainland” as they think they have, but have more in the Republic than they realise. – Yours, etc,



