The Irish Times moves home

Madam, - I would like to wish everyone working in The Irish Times the very best of success in your impressive new building

Madam, - I would like to wish everyone working in The Irish Times the very best of success in your impressive new building. I thoroughly enjoyed reliving the years gone by in the accounts by Hugh Oram and Caroline Walsh (October 14th) and found myself entirely engrossed by their fond recollections of the Old Lady of D'Olier Street.

Allow me also to commend these writers on a heartfelt portrayal of the sense of cameraderie and comfort the old site provided for its employees. I was unaware that as many as 500 people work for this paper and while I am certain that many bonds have been formed among the staff, I would like to add that the readership of your paper also consists of many devoted friends, who fondly wish you all the best at your new Tara Street address. - Yours, etc,

AOIFE HABENICHT,  Portarlington, Co Offaly.