A chara, - The transfer of Junior Minister Eamon O Cuiv to the Department of Agriculture probably confirms the low appreciation our Taoiseach holds of the Irish language.I recall that when forming his present administration he appointed as senior minister to the Department of Arts, Culture, Gaeltacht and the Islands Ms Sheila de Valera, who was known not to be fluent in Irish. What message did that appointment convey to those devoting their energies to the promotion of the language?Now, without apparent reason, Mr Ahern removes the Minister who had the essential language skills in that Department, just at the point when Mr O Cuiv was about to bring forward the long-awaited Irish Language Bill. What message does that removal convey about Mr Ahern's attitude to the Irish Language Bill?As a life-long Fianna Fail supporter I am forced to conclude that Mr Ahern is Taoiseach of an economy but not of a country. Come back, Garret FitzGerald! All is forgiven! - Is mise,Liam O Geibheannaigh, Ath an Ghainimh, Co Atha Cliath.