Sacramental preparation and schools

Sir, – Aoife McCloskey's article raises interesting and timely questions ("A teacher writes: Sacramental preparation should not be a school responsibility", Education, September 1st).

She speaks a truth that is both uncomfortable and disappointing for those of us who are trying to effect change in this area.

There is, however, another truth of parishes and dioceses that have strived over many years to engage meaningfully with parents and families and schools so that these celebrations are less about performance and practice and more about a faith journey punctuated by sacramental moments.

There is a role for the Catholic school in sacramental preparation that is achieved through teaching the religious education programme as it is designed and timetabled. More importantly, the Catholic school that is truly living its ethos is creating a place where children of Catholic faith are enabled to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, while respecting and valuing the many different stances for living present in all our schools. Meaningful celebrations of sacramental moments do not require performance, practice, or even artwork, but grow out of a lived faith supported by home, school and parish working together.


The experience of the last 18 months has shown us that our sacramental celebrations can be simple, unrehearsed liturgies where the focus is on the celebration of the sacrament rather than on a performance often designed to showcase the school’s strengths. There is now a need for reflection and discussion as to how best we can take what we have learned and start to build a new way of celebrating sacraments that is parish led and family centred. – Yours, etc,


Coordinator for

Primary Education,

Diocese of Kildare

& Leighlin,

Carlow , Co Carlow.