Madam, – In response to Stuart McLaughlin of Business to Arts (February 21st), I feel it is important to stress that the national outrage at selling the stadium name is not because of anti-corporate sentiment, but rather the idealistic hope that “there are some things money can’t buy”.
In these uncertain times, a clear signal of appreciation of our cultural heritage, which includes the oldest rugby stadium in the world, would be a welcome lift. Insurance companies are not the issue; nor is marketing and its perceived benefits to all.
It is also worth noting that, although the new stadium is in the ownership of the IRFU and the FAI, the Government very generously provided taxpayers’ funding in the region of €191 million for its development. Is it not therefore reasonable for me, as a tax-paying part-owner of the stadium to request that our country act with integrity and retain the name of our de facto national stadium? – Yours, etc,
Madam, – Viva “Lansdowne Road” – Yours, etc,