Putting brakes on cyclists

Sir, – Fintan O’Toole, writing as a pedestrian, has a point about cyclists using footpaths (Opinion, June 11th). I wonder however, if he chose to become a cyclist for a few weeks, whether he might find himself considering a very similar, yet opposing article. Give him a year alternating forms of transport, and he might write a book!

Go ahead and cycle down Dame Street through College Green, just make sure you have your bell and brakes poised for action to avoid the jay-walking pedestrians; head down Westmoreland Street in your car, but watch out for cyclists swerving into your lane around braking buses; as a pedestrian at O’Connell Bridge with a green man ushering you to cross, check for cars breaking the traffic lights before you step out.

The truth, it seems to this rule-bending cyclist, pedestrian and driver, is that all road users will complain about all other road users, and they all have a point. – Yours, etc,



Bridgefoot Street,

Dublin 8.