Plea to save store of medical samples

Sir, – As pointed out by Prof David McConnell (January 30th), the damage to Irish health caused by haemochromatosis (HC) has…

Sir, – As pointed out by Prof David McConnell (January 30th), the damage to Irish health caused by haemochromatosis (HC) has recently come to be realised.

As a lately diagnosed sufferer from this condition myself, I can attest to its serious end-effects, including diabetes, cirrhosis and cancer of the liver, plus disruption of hormonal functions. I’m glad to say, however, that the care and treatment I received from the health service has mitigated these effects to a great extent. However, the cost of this medical attention – not to mention that given to many others with HC – must be prodigious.

Would it not be preferable, therefore, if the condition could be spotted at an early age when action could prevent serious end-effects from occurring? It is for this reason that I endorse Prof McConnell’s plea for Guthrie cards to be maintained and not destroyed. – Yours, etc,


Knocksinna Crescent,

Dublin 18.