No time for a Dáil break

A chara, – You would think that between our new Government, their many special advisers and all the Opposition TDs that someone would have the common sense to speak up and state that it is inappropriate for any of them to take a six-week summer recess this year starting at the end of this week.

We are in the middle of a worsening global pandemic, no doubt our schools are going to face many teething problems as they try to reopen, our economy is struggling, unemployment is too high, a nightmarish recession is imminent and we are facing into a worrying winter of a flu season combined with Covid-19.

Mere mortals would barely contemplate a two-week break after a year of hard work but our 160 TDs, back at work just over a month, seem to have no issue with this excessive break.

It is wrong, no matter how much they say they will be continuing to work behind the scenes, and so it should be revoked. – Is mise,



Dartry, Dublin 6.