Mulholland Interview

Sir, - Yesterday's article by Roddy O'Sullivan in general accurately reflected my conversation with him and he behaved with absolute…

Sir, - Yesterday's article by Roddy O'Sullivan in general accurately reflected my conversation with him and he behaved with absolute professionalism.

However, the headline, in particular, erroneously gave the impression that I sought, in some way, to transfer to others the responsibility for some elements of recent television programming which attracted adverse criticism. This clearly was not my intention and as managing director of television I at all times took responsibility for, and pride in, the entire range of our television output. I have been very well served by my production colleagues in the television division who have worked hard, and often in difficult circumstances, to deliver good programming to our audiences. - Yours, etc.,

Joe Mulholland, RTE, Dublin 4.

Mr Mulholland's clarification on this point is welcomed. Ed IT.