Morrison on Heaney

Madam, - I read the introduction to the new book, Hunger Strike, edited by Danny Morrison who excoriates Seamus Heaney for not…

Madam, - I read the introduction to the new book, Hunger Strike, edited by Danny Morrison who excoriates Seamus Heaney for not supporting the 1981 hunger strikes in his poetry.

Heaney has written about this in interviews with Karl Miller in the London Review of Books, regretting the fact that "nothing came".

But Morrison's real objection to Heaney is that he is a constitutional nationalist. I do not believe that Morrison had the faintest idea of the poetic process as explained in numerous periodicals in which Seamus Heaney has written his work. - Yours, etc,

JOHN WHITE, Bayview Terrace, Derry.