Mind your language

Madam, - It is with a sense of enjoyment that my family and I make a ritual of reading The Irish Times on Saturday mornings.

Madam, - It is with a sense of enjoyment that my family and I make a ritual of reading The Irish Times on Saturday mornings.

For myself, the first section and the business pages in particular are of interest; my wife enjoys the News Review and the Magazine; while our young son diligently waits his turn before showing off his new reading skills with the opening Magazine article by Roisin Ingle.

It was with shock and sadness, therefore, that I heard him pipe up one Saturday a couple of weekends back and ask my wife and me why Roisin was a "bitch" and what did that mean?

This was a completely unnecessary addition to the article, your magazine and newspaper. We choose our son's reading matter carefully and this was the last place where we expected him to be educated in the language of obscenity. - Yours, etc.,



Dublin 8.