Leaving Cert reform is overdue

A chara, – I believe we are underestimating the impact technology is going to have on our daily lives over the coming decades.

For this reason, I would love that when students graduate from secondary school that they would be knowledgeable in plenty of subjects, fearless, entrepreneurial and open minded.

They should be creative, agile, analytical, inquisitive and multilingual. They should know how to cook, administer CPR, be tech and financially savvy and confident public speakers. They should learn how to look after their mental, physical and sexual wellbeing and have a thorough understanding of social issues, team work, equality, their history and the environments within which they live.

They should also understand the importance of being an upstanding citizen, extracurricular activities and the power of their vote.


They need to have developed leadership skills, become self-aware and they need to leave secondary school with a clear idea of what their life dream is and how best to pursue it, but most importantly, they need to be happy.

What shouldn’t happen is students, during their late teenage years, suffering from exam stress, anxiety or possible panic attacks and wasting up to two years of their lives trying to learn answers off by heart so that they can regurgitate them over a few days during their Leaving Certificate. – Is mise,



Dublin 6.