Irish citizenship law

Sir, – In her article "Diversity is more than photo-calls and dumplings" (Opinion & Analysis, February 5th), Hazel Chu, referring to the citizenship referendum of 2004, says that "we need to ask if it was properly debated and discussed".

Not only was it well debated and discussed but the then-minister published the draft Irish Nationality and Citizenship Bill in advance of the referendum, so that voters knew what would replace the previous law.

They had good reason to vote overwhelmingly as they did because the new law compares extremely favourably with that of other European Union states. – Yours, etc,



Immigration Control


Dublin 2.

A chara, – Hazel Chu’s Opinion piece on immigration in the Irish context is interesting, yet fails to discuss immigration control. To my knowledge, this is a debate Ireland has never had, but is worth having, if only to stem momentum to the far-right.

Rooskey is a town of 564 individuals, and the influx of 80 asylum seekers amounts to a minimum 12 per cent immigrant population.

Economics aside, the onus is on Government to keep numbers and demonstrate to rural communities that 12 per cent is not excessive in the national context.

In Korea, where I currently reside, the number is closer to 2 per cent nationally.

Open discrimination against immigrants is not prevented by law, so even this small number causes concern to local groups, in particular labour unions. – Is mise,



South Korea.