Ireland and the Commonwealth

Sir, – Robert Porter advocates that Ireland rejoins the Commonwealth (Letters, April 13th). In the same spirit, I suggest that the UK comes back into the EU. – Yours, etc,



Co Leitrim.


A chara, – Robert Porter stated that Ireland joining the Commonwealth would be a “forward, rather than a backward, step”. The majority of the countries of the Commonwealth of Nations still criminalise sexual acts between consenting adults of the same sex. Homosexual activity remains a criminal offence in 35 of the 54 sovereign states and is legal in only 19.

The penalties for private, consensual sexual conduct between same sex adults remain harsh in a number of Commonwealth countries. They include 10 years of hard labour in Jamaica, 14 years in Kenya, and 20 years, plus flogging, in Malaysia. The countries of Bangladesh, Barbados, Guyana, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Uganda have a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. In Brunei and the northern region of Nigeria, the maximum penalty for male homosexuality is death.

Why would any progressive nation wish to join a club that includes members with such obnoxious laws? – Is mise,



Co Antrim.