Inner-city sports amenities

Sir, – Breda O'Brien is correct ("Public debate tough on crime but not on its causes", Opinion & Analysis, February 13th).

Few living outside areas of deprivation in our towns and cities understand and challenge the misery that these communities put up with.

But there is no excuse for Dublin City Council (and Nama) as it updates its Dublin City Development Plan.

They know that Dublin’s south inner city – around Meath Street, the Liberties and Dolphin’s Barn – has no green space big enough to hold a sanctioned match in any field sport. They know of the proposals presented under this plan by St Kevin’s hurling and camogie club to secure – near St Teresa’s Gardens complex – a pitch big enough for Gaelic games and other sports.


They know that this part of Dublin has been for many, many years one of Dublin’s most disadvantaged areas. They know that by including this proposal in their plans they can fulfil their mandate to the social and economic development of the area.

Individuals within Dublin City Council must step forward, make themselves accountable and deliver on this project. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.