Housing: Put the public welfare first

Sir, – Your editorial on the homeless crisis was indeed heartening given, what seems to many, the free ride right-wing economic policy has enjoyed in recent decades ("Housing crisis: put public welfare first", August 9th)

Could this be the beginning of a new era? Is the “paper of record” about to commence a period in which politicians will have laid out before them the consequences of their actions and inaction? Are politicians to be frequently reminded of the truism, “In government nothing happens by accident. If it happens at all, it has been planned”.

If so, there is a chance that the housing crisis, and the plethora of other social ills, might begin to be addressed. – Yours, etc,



Rathedmond, Sligo.

Sir, – Your editorial, “Housing crisis: put the public welfare first” (August 9th), summarises the long-running national crisis that has festered for decades – as far back as the early 1970s.

The credibility of our nation is at stake as we don’t seem to want to confront the vested interests that are making vast profits from the most basic requirement of a home for all of our citizens. – Yours, etc,


Limekiln Farm,

Dublin 12.