Greyhounds and textbooks

Sir, – The response to the piece on greyhound racing in a school textbook is completely over the top (Letters, September 3rd). Making a Difference, published by Folens, doesn't advocate a campaign against greyhound racing. The article on the subject is measured and respectful. It acknowledges that it is legal and that many greyhound owners look after the dogs, but also encourages discussion in the classroom on the problems that beset the sport.

Who would deny that the industry has problems? The massive over-breeding; dogs exported to countries where animal welfare is practically non-existent; and doping to enhance or undermine performance.

Opening the eyes of our young to the reality of animal suffering in the world, including Ireland, should not be characterised as an “extremist” agenda. It is a legitimate part of the education process.

– Yours, etc,



Callan, Co Kilkenny.