Green list for travel needs updating

Sir, – Our Government published a “green list” of countries on July 21st. It features just 10 countries as of this writing, compared to over 60 in Northern Ireland, whose residents can travel in and out of there with impunity. It has also been left untouched since the start of August.

According to to Wednesday’s figures, Ireland’s 14-day Covid-19 case count stands at 31.1 per 100,000 of population. This is higher than Bulgaria (22.8), Cyprus (15.0), Denmark (21.2), Germany (21.6), Iceland (24.9), Poland (26.5), Slovenia (22.9), Sweden (24.9), and the United Kingdom (25.3), all of which are deemed unsafe to travel to.

Meanwhile The Irish Times reports that Ryanair is cutting services from Ireland, and that Aer Lingus is looking at basing some of its aircraft overseas.

It’s time to take action while we still have an airline industry.– Yours. etc,





Dublin 4