Sir, - in response to the editorial on cyclists (August 9th) I wish to address a number of points raised:

1. The new EU directive covers both pedestrians and cyclists who are injured by motorists.

2. The assertion that the directive offers immunity to cyclists is simply inaccurate - no such provision exists in the legalisation.


3. Your editorial, no doubt, speaks sincerely of the need for the law to offer the utmost protection to cyclists (or indeed pedestrians). The reality is no such protection exists - as law without enforcement is no law at all.

4. It is self-contradictory to accept that motorists are in charge of a lethal weapon and then go on to conclude that non-compliance to the traffic regulations should be viewed identically, regardless of whether an offence is committed by cyclists or motorists. While not condoning the lawlessness of any road user, such logic rejects that there is a hierarchy of responsibility that exists for road users - from lorry drivers to pedestrians. This is based on the reality of the vastly different consequences of their actions - as borne out by both physics and the massively disproportionate "kill rate" of motorised road users. - Yours, etc.,

DAVID MAHER, PRO, Dublin Cycling Campaign, Windy Arbour,

Dublin 14