Covid confusion

Sir, – I think it is all clear now. If I need to work, I should do it at home. If I need a drink, I can do it away from home provided I am vaccinated and leave before midnight. If I need a haircut, that is grand. If I need a coffee, I must be vaccinated.

Should barbers offering coffee require vaccination certs while coffee shops offering haircuts be exempt? Or is it the other way around

Attending a sports events with 51,999 other people is perfectly safe, provided one has a haircut but not a coffee.

Is everything clear?


– Yours, etc,


Dublin 12.

Sir, – So let me get this straight: I have to show my Covid pass if I want to sit two metres away from someone in a cinema or theatre, but I don’t have to show it if I want a hairdresser actually touching me or if I’m sweating all over somebody else’s gym equipment.

That makes sense!

Also, discriminating against different groups in society is a bad thing, except when they’re teachers, right? I’m so confused! – Yours, etc,


Gorey, Co Wexford.

Sir, – In a TV news bulletin on Monday I learned that Government Ministers are “perplexed” at the latest surge in Covid cases.

Could it be that the over-reliance on the efficacy of vaccines has led to a diminution of the old reliable preventative measures like social distancing, correct wearing of masks and proper hand hygiene?

To this casual observer, this seems to be the case. Certainly it doesn’t help when 50,000-plus people are permitted to cram together at a rugby international, maskless,drinking, singing and roaring. Have we learned nothing from Cheltenham?

Decisive leadership seems to have taken a back seat at a crucial time. Government – and all of us – need to get a grip.

– Yours, etc,


Wicklow town.