Christian values of Europe

Madam, - Your Editorial of November 27 stated that "Europe is much more than a Christian entity and Turkey is part and parcel…

Madam, - Your Editorial of November 27 stated that "Europe is much more than a Christian entity and Turkey is part and parcel of its history and culture".

This comment misses the point that Europe was founded on the values of Christian civilisation. The values that emanate from the Christian culture are many, such as equality of all human beings regardless of gender, race, age, social standing, etc. Freedom of the individual and free speech are other examples of values that stem from the inalienable rights that each and every human being inherits by virtue only of his or her own existence.

It is true that Europe is more than a Christian entity but it was founded on Christian values and to be unclear or dilute this foundation is to undermine and etch away at the very origins of our civilisation and all the essential core values on which it stands. - Yours, etc,

OWEN SORENSEN, Temple Villas, Palmerston Road, Dublin 6.