Sir, – The issue of what is euphemistically called “anti-social” behaviour in Dublin city centre, particularly on major streets in Dublin 1, is regularly highlighted.
What has not, to my knowledge, been reported is that there is an approach to this problem that requires no additional Garda or security presence, presents no apparent breach of anyone’s human rights and may indeed prove pleasurable to many ordinary pedestrians. What is this apparently miraculous remedy? Classical music.
Empirical evidence from locations as diverse as Birmingham and London in the UK and Wellington and Christchurch in New Zealand points to a marked decline in loitering and related behaviours when classical music is played.
Is it too much to suggest that the various stakeholders involved – city centre businesses, Luas, etc, many of whom already have public address systems in place, would consider actually trialling this in the O’Connell Street/Abbey Street area? – Yours, etc,
Turvey Walk,
Co Dublin.