Corrections & Clarifications

In the Irishman’s Diary in last Monday’s edition, the word “not” was omitted from a sentence due to an editing error

In the Irishman’s Diary in last Monday’s edition, the word “not” was omitted from a sentence due to an editing error. The sentence in question should have read: “To this day Britain is the only country in the world whose stamps do not bear the country’s name.”

In an article in last Saturday's Weekend, concerning the Californian push for green energy, reference was made to Rory McIntyre. It should have said Rory McInerney. Mr McInerney is director of the Enterprise Microprocessor Group with Intel Corporation.

An article in last Wednesday’s edition, concerning obesity, gave an incorrect definition for Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI can be ascertained by dividing ones weight in kilograms by ones height in square metres.